Friday, November 18, 2011


(For English, please go here) 

對於大多喜愛LEBRON JAMES的籃球迷來說,回想於2011NBA總決賽系列對決,LEBRON往往在關鍵的第四節中表現得強差人意,如隱形人一樣,令眾球迷大感失望。再加上上季初高調直播轉會的「決定」,實在令本人對大帝的好感大打折扣。

但要成為智者,是不應留戀於過去的,要從失敗中學習改變,才能創出更好的未來。而這雙 AIR MAX AMBASSADOR 4,可能就是喚醒LEBRON的最佳裝備


Thursday, November 17, 2011

Change for a Dollar?


“I asked LeBron for change for a $1 and only got 75 cents back because he doesn’t have a 4th quarter.”

Ha-freakin’-ha.  I admit I laughed at every jape made against the King last post-season.  I also confess that I was more than displeased by his Grace’s nationally televised “decision”.

Alas, the wise man shall not dwell in the past, for he learns from history to author a better future.  If my experience with the Nike Air Max Ambassador IV is at all analogous of things to come, next season (sigh...) will promise a more devastating LeBron.

Miami Dolphins are SO much more colorful than Hong Kong ones...

Friday, November 4, 2011

Sole Agent 秘密聚會(一)

(For English, please go here)

今次的聚會不是一個真正的秘密,但氣氛非常獨家。只有6位Sole Agent 及2名工作人員在Nike 香港總部的會議室內。為我們講解Sole Agent 責任的同時也提供了又豐富又帶有營養的佳餚:

講解完畢後便讓我們與今次Sole Agent 活動的終極大獎零距離接觸…

Sole Agent Secret Meeting One


It wasn't really a secret meeting but it sure was exclusive!  Only 6 Sole Agents and 2 staff members were present as they briefed us on our responsibilities while chowing down good wholesome nutrition:

"If You Have a Body You are An Athlete."  This must make us big athletes.
Afterwards, the GRAND PRIZE was passed around for our admiration, and it definitely was worth admiring...